Choose the right lawn maintenance tool for the job

30 May 2023

Half Moon Edger

If you’ve got medium or coarse grass that requires edging, then get your hands on Cyclone’s Half Moon Edger. The sharp serrated blade cuts through tougher grasses such as Couch and Kikuyu with ease. Step on the non-slip foot treads (like you would a spade) and simply rock the moon shaped cutting blade from side to side to create a neat, defined edge. Manual edgers are a great choice for smaller jobs, and have the added benefit of being environmentally friendly, low cost and maintenance free.

Rotary Turf Edger

If you like neat, crisp lines, then a garden edger can be the difference between a good lawn and a professionally manicured garden. It’s the tool to look for if you want to create tidy edges around your garden beds, along paths or between the lawn and driveway. Cyclone’s Rotary Turf Edger is designed to cut easily and neatly through soft or fine-textured grasses with a sharpened solid steel cutting disc. The wheel rides smoothly along the curb, allowing you to create the perfect lawn edge.

Aeration Sandals

If your lawn gets heavy use from children or pets, it may be suffering from soil compaction. Compacted soil can prevent valuable water, air and nutrients from getting down to the roots of your grass, which can result in poor lawn health. Aerating your lawn can help and the best time to do it is when your grass is actively growing. Spiked aerators such as Cyclone’s Aeration Sandals are a fun, easy way to aerate the soil and a good choice for a small patch of turf. With every step, solid tines punch holes in the ground, allowing your lawn to breathe. This encourages a stronger, deeper root system resulting in a healthier, greener lawn.

Coring Lawn Aerator

Core aeration is a little different because it doesn’t just perforate the ground, it is particularly effective at alleviating compaction that can lead to poor lawn health. Cyclone’s Coring Lawn Aerator is designed with strong tubular tines that puncture the lawn surface and removes small plugs from the soil, which can be broken down with a mower or by whacking them with the back of a rake. Alternatively, they can be composted which will in time, reduce the height of your lawn. Water your lawn the night before aerating, and space cores approximately 20-30cms apart to evenly aerate the soil.